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Present: Present were: James Burton, Steve Burnett, Chuck Fadell, Kari-Kay Harp, Gail Sutherland for Chris Horn, Ethan Humphries, Sara Huntley, Kevin Jacques, Tammy Jacques, Pam Osborn, Brad Peeden, Jennifer Smith, Joan Smith and Pam Trimble. I. Approval of Minutes The Minutes were approved by motion from Kari-Kay and seconded by Jennifer. III. Approval of Agenda The Agenda was approved by motion from Steve and seconded by Kari-Kay. IV. Staff Senate ТщЖЙЩч’s Report Tammy passed around a list of staff vacancies on the Shared Governance Committee, but no discussion was had at this meeting. Tammy also announced that nominations for Staff Senate elections for the positions of Vice ТщЖЙЩч and Secretary will take place in the next two meetings with elections being held at the May meeting. She also mentioned that the stipend for ТщЖЙЩч of Staff Senate is $3,000 for the year. V. Shared Governance/Committee Reports None. VI. Old Business a. Faculty Senate Memo – Tammy told of an e-mail from Dr. Terry Richardson re: the ongoing concerns of the proposed changes to the “operating procedure” with regard to recommendations sent to the Shared Governance Committee. Tammy suggested the newly elected Staff Senate talk about a way to promote information flow from staff members on these committees back to the Staff Senate. VII. New Business a. 10-Month Contracts – Jennifer made a suggestion that in the case of further prorations, some employees might consider volunteering to go to 10-month contracts, if their jobs permitted, to save the University money and to avoid forced layoffs. VIII. Discussion a. Representation from Grounds Crew – Joe Littrell requested a member from Grounds Crew be appointed to Staff Senate. Since we are only 4 of the 5 members from the Business and Fiscal Affairs Office which encompasses Grounds Crew, all agreed to an election by ballot open to all Business and Fiscal Affairs staff. Motion was made by Brad and seconded by Kari-Kay to also have this person continue on the Senate passed this year for the next three years. b. Parking – Several members told stories of wrongdoings with regard to the parking situation on campus. Tammy passed along ideas from SGA, i.e., shuttle buses to surrounding apartments, freshmen not being allowed to park on campus, graduated prices of tickets ($5 for 1st offense, $10 for 2nd offense, etc.). Tammy asked for ideas for parking alleviation. c. Student Recreation Center free to Faculty/Staff – Sara talked about how much she has enjoyed using the SRC during the Scale Back Alabama program. Tammy will craft a memo to Jim Eubanks, Human Resources and Mr. Shields and send out to members to review requesting this consideration. d. Compensation Ladders Focus Groups – Tammy told of many questions – mostly about time on the job. She explained that the trend is to move away from the old step system and more toward performance-based raises. Tammy did emphasize that if a negative person is on a committee, then we need to remove and replace them. Kari-Kay wanted to reiterate that this is for present and future employees in these positions. Tammy recommended adding everything reasonable to the ladders and that Catherine White will see all initial templates before any changes/deletions are made. Catherine wants a committee formed to assist her in reviewing these ladders. VIII. Announcements As stated on the Agenda. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 10:52 a.m. by Tammy. The next general meeting will be at 10:00 a.m. on March 9, 2009 in the Faculty/Staff Commons. Minutes submitted by: Pam Osborn, Secretary Minutes submitted to: Tammy Jacques, ТщЖЙЩч     PAGE  PAGE 2  -7R^v{€ƒŽ”˜­БОЩѕ  " % & + Ђ В Е Ж Й Э Ю    ! 3 4 8 > ? 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